Dan Drust

Software Engineer
based in West Michigan

Building a Shell

3 January 2024

I’ve been part of an early release of CS Primer and the Operating System module includes a series of challenges to build a shell. It’s a project that I’d been wanting to tackle for a while, so I started it back in October. And it’s finally done!

I wrote it in C to get some practice with the language. The project was broken into three challenges: first a basic shell that uses fork/exec to run a program, then implementing support for pipes, and finally implementing job control. Each challenge included a code-along video that I only let myself watch after completing each stage (though I did take some inspiration from the videos as I implemented subsequent stages). You can see the final result on GitHub.

This was the first side project in a while to capture my attention through completion. I was able to get into a flow state and really find a lot of joy in the process. Below are some reflections on what helped make this a good experience for me:

Side quests kept things fun

I went on small tangential side quests when my mind wandered to a related concept or question. For example, I wondered how I might implement an OOP object with a C struct so I spent an afternoon trying it out. It was cumbersome, but now I understand why Python instance methods take an initial self param! I also wanted to be able to print debugging information on structs I was working with, which led me to think about how Rust traits solve that. A particularly frustrating memory-clobbering bug led to learning enough gdb to be dangerous. I tried to not let productivity be the primary outcome; instead, I tried my best to follow and honor my interests as they appeared and faded.

Motivation came in waves

In 2023 I experimented with working on a larger project for at least 30 minutes each day (Database Daily). It was sustainable for a while but it was easy to miss a day or two and get discouraged. And then a vacation killed it! With the shell project I let the motivation come to me. Some weekends I spent 12+ hours on the project, some weekends I didn’t even think about it. The itch to work on the shell usually came after some time away from it. It would be nice to find a sustainable, predictable cadence to work on these sorts of projects. For now, letting intrinsic motivation steer the ship seems to work.

The manpages only got me so far

Initially I tried very hard to avoid any spoilers and rely only on manpages and my own previous understanding. This approach worked for the basic shell and for implementing pipes. It really fell apart when I started working on job control, however. I struggled to understand the big picture with process groups and signals, and with terminal control and signals. I ended up reading CS:APP’s chapter on exceptional control flow which helped quite a bit, and then I reviewed multiple chapters on signaling, child processes, and process groups in TLPI. The TLPI chapters were particularly helpful – it was there that I was able to build up a mental model for what job control was all about and how processes are organized.

Even though I ended up consulting some resources that held spoilers, I didn’t allow myself to copy code from them. I could only take inspiration and I had to implement ideas in code on my own, using the manpages when needed. That ended up feeling like a good balance of tackling the problem myself but giving myself enough room to learn from others.

Small changes and small challenges

I found myself in a number of situations where I’d make a change to my code, expect something to happen, but see no change. This often defied my understanding of what a particular system call was supposed to do, how I expected a process to behave in response to a signal, etc. In those cases I ended up writing a dead-simple, distilled program to convince myself that I understood a concept.

This was particularly frustrating when I was 1.) in the middle of a change and 2.) confused about, eg, why a call wasn’t working as expected. In the later stages of the project I developed more discipline for doing just one thing at a time – be it a refactor, introducing a new concept, using a new system call, etc. That helped me keep better focus and not get overwhelmed when multiple things weren’t working at once.

Written by Dan Drust on 3 January 2024

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